Jama Musse Jama MAHDI - Buug codaysan (Audio Book) Ponte Invisibile, Pisa, 2011 ISBN: 9788888934259 List price: free
The first Somali Audio Book -
'Mahdi', is a historical fiction novel set up in specific period of time when the author
was himself a student in Hargeysa in early 1980s. Characters
are shaped by their experiences, family life and custom, but the central
thread of the novel is 'underground' student life. The main character is
rebellious but fragile, politically-incorrect but an honest street-child who,
despite the difficult childhood, defends the honour and dignity of the
human being passionately. Written in the first person, the author traces the
collective memory of a generation of young Somali students who, for the first
time, stood up against the military regime and the harsh response of the regime of Somali Republic during
the 1980s.