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Higgaadda Afsoomaaliga

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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi


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Kartiyooyinka Eebbe dadkiisa ku mannaystay waxa jira kuwa dhif iyo naadir ah.

Maxamed Haaruun waxa uu deggan yahay magaalada Shiefield (UK). Waxa waraysatay Lucy Ash. Maxamed waxa uu dhagaystay sheekada inan u dhalatay Eeraan oo indhaha lagaga shubay aysiidh, kuna beeshay sidaa araggii. Lucy Ash waxa ay waxa ka waydiisay sida uu u arkay arrinkaas.

Halkan ka dhagayso: BBC Outlook

Maxamed waa ardey hadda dhammaynaya darajada Master-ka, waxana uu qorayaa buuggiisii qalinjabinta.

Nadifa Mohamed's Black Mamba Boy, which was longlisted for the Orange prize and has already won the 2010 Betty Trask award is today longlisted for the Guardian first book award. Nadifa Mohamed takes the story of her father and transforms it into fiction inflected by the African tradition of praise poetry.

According to the chair of the judges, the Guardian's literary editor Claire Armitstead, Mohamed is just one of a group of young British authors on the longlist who are expanding the territory of the novel.

It was indeed both a great pleasure, and honour, for REDSEA-ONLINE Cultural Foundation and Kayd Somali Arts and Culture, the 2010 Hargeysa International Book Fair and Mooge Festival organizers, to had have Nadifa Mohamed as special guest in this years' book fair.

We wish Nadifa all the best in her debut novel which presents vibrant, moving celebration of her family’s own history.

See here the announcement

"Hooyo Seerferku waamaxay la yidhi doorashadii buu innoo diiday inay dhacdo?"
Silica afkeenna ka haysta farsamada.
Jaamac Muuse Jaamac, jama@jamamusse.com, 17/03/2009

Afkasta horumarkiisu waxa uu had iyo jeer ku salaysan yahay nolosha, aqoonta iyo dhaqanka dadka ku hadla afkaas, islamarkaana heerka iyo nooca dhaqan-dhaqaale ee bulshadaasi ay ku nooshahay ayaa seesa eraybixinta iyo abwaanka afkooda. Tusaale ahaan afka Soomaaligu waa mid ku hodan ah marka loo eego noloshii dadyowga Geeska Afrika degganaa oo ku ekayd heer xoolodhaqato iyo beeralay ilaa qarnigii tegay horraantiisii. Hodannimadaasi waxay fure u noqon kartaa horumarinta afka laftiisa haddii si xeelad leh loo qabadsiiyo u adeegsiga cilmiga iyo tiknoolajiyadda cusub ee qarnigan hoggaanka u qabatay nolosha adduunka.

Waxaa dhawaan nasoo qaagay sawirka buugga halkan boggiisii kowaad ku dhegsan yahay oo uu noo soo direy akhriste boggan redsea-online.com oo aad noogu qaali ahi. Waa buug ka kooban 52 bog oo ay kujirto tusmo iyo tixraac, waxana ka muuqata in uu nuqulkan iska lahaa akhriste magaciisu dusha kaga saxeexay.

Buuggan oo la yidhaahdo "Gorfaynta Gabayga", waxa qorey Cabdillaahi Diiriye Guuleed "Carraale", waxana uu ku taariikhaysan yahay 1976kii, waxana lagu daabacay magaalada Marka.

RSOL waxay aad u jeclaan lahayd inay buugga oo dhan ku daabacdo bogga, si akhristeyaasha aadka u xiiseeyay dooddii ku saabsanayd Miisaanka Suugaanta Soomaalida ay uga bogtaan. Nasiib darro wali fasax uma haysano, markaa annagoo xuquuqda qoraalka dhawrayna, waxaannu ku talo jirnaa sidii aanu fasaxaas u heli lahayn.

Waxaannu u mahad celinaynaa Deeq Diiriye oo ah muwaadinkii buuggan nuqulka la sawiray lahaa ee kaydiyey, waxaanu kale oo uu mahadcelinaynaa akhristehayga qaaliga ah ee noosoo direy nuqulkan elektroonigga ah.

RSOL - Hoyga buugaagta afsoomaaliga ku qoran

Note: shabakadda WN waxa ay fasax ka heshay inay dib u daabacaan qoraaga buugga Cabdillaahi Diiriye Guuleed "Carraale", sidaa darteed akhristeyaashayada xiiseynaya buuggan waxaanu ku dhiirrigelinaynaa inay halkan kala degaan: http://www.wardheernews.com/articles_08/July/Carraale/13_Gorfaynta%20Gabayga.html

W/Q Ibraahin Yuusuf Axmed "Hawd"

Jamaal Maxamed Ibraahin, danjiraha Soodaan u fadhiya Bayruud, wuxuu dhowaan qoray qiso aad u qurux iyo xiise badan. Sheekadaas oo af carbeed ah wuxuu u bixiyey Nuqdat at-Talaashii (Bartii Baabba’a). Boqol, afartan iyo saddexda bog ee buuggaasi ka kooban yahay dhan walba oo aad u rogto waa iswaayid nafsadeed iyo mid isir, iyo jacayl dhan iyo mid dhiman. Waa qiso uu inoo warinayo diblomaasi Soodaan u dhashay oo innagula hadlaya codka "Aniga”, mar qudhana aan magaciisa inoo sheegayn, haddiiba uu magac lee yahay.

Aan ku horreeyee, soodaantu waa bulsho leh duruufo badan oo dhaqankooda hodmiyey: isirro kala midab ah, afaf kala jaad ah, diimo kala duwan iyo dhaqan hoosaadyo ciiddaas ah. Waa ummad ku dhacda jiidda ay ku kulmaan islaamka/carabta iyo afrikaanku, isla markaana saamayni kaga timid ilbaxnimada Yurub. Waxaas isku wada milmay waxay ka muuqdaan kana dhadhamaan fankooda iyo suugaantooda aadka u sarreeya.

W/T Jaamac Muuse Jaamac, 2/5/2008.

"Dhugta waxa idiin qoran" waxay soo baxday saaka waaberigii, maalin Jimce ah 2da bisha 5aad ee 2008da, waana farriin aan jeclaystay inaan dhambaalwadaha u mariyo Naadiga Akhristeyaasha Hargeysa, oo caawa u debbaaldegaya xuska sannadguuradii labaad ee kasoo wareegtay aasaaska Naadiga.

Naadigaan ku dhaatee
Ehel iigu dhow een
Dhab wax u wadaagniyo
Dhallintii Hargeysaay

Maya! dhaha qabiil dhiga
Kulligiin mar wada dhaha
Dhista waxa idiin dana.

Soomaali (Somali) is classified as a member of East Cushitic branch of Afro Asiatic family language. It is one of the major languages in Africa, and spoken by an estimated population of 15 to 25 million, living mainly in the horn of Africa (Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya). It is the official language of Somalia and Somaliland and recognized ‘mother tongue’ as second language in Djibouti. Somali is broadcast language and there are several regional and international radios services carrying the Somali.

We recently noticed a new website on Somaliland related issues [www.somalilandlaw.com]. This new website is unique of its kind, and is dedicated specifically to Somaliland law and constitutional aspects. It is absolutely rich source of information for students, legislators and researchers.

As cited in its main page, "The aim of this website is to disseminate information about the Constitution and laws of the REPUBLIC OF SOMALILAND. The full texts of the Constitution and some of the main laws are found here in English language, or in Somali, where no translation is currently available. The site will also contain news of the constitutional and legal developments in Somaliland, as well as commentaries and articles."

In November last year, we we launched a community initiative project to develop a comprehensive Somali language word list and to create an official word list for universal and standard spelling checkers in Somali.

An initial target of the project was to collect about the 20,000 mostly used Somali words through an online spelling checker service, where our site visitors could cut&paste their Somali text on it, and the system would spell check the input text. In this way, our system could also learn from the inserted text by collecting all unknown words provided by the visitors.

We also developed "web crawler" called RSOL Word Harvester. It is a software program that retrieves web pages and follows hyperlinks contained in them. The Somali Language Spelling Checker sends out this crawler periodically throughout a selected Somali websites and generates indexes of the all new words found there in.

click for big size image

We improved in the process of collecting words and selecting targeted websites. Today we are happy to announce that we reached the 40,000 Somali mostly used words collected and approved.

RSOL announced today the starting-up release of Somali Language Online Spelling Checker. It is a free online tool that allows everyone to check spelling errors in Somali language text. This is an other milestone reached for REDSEA-ONLINE.COM as per its contribution of African Languages Development in the era of Information and Communication Technology.

The project is community initiative to develop a comprehensive Somali word list. The so created word list will be incorporated in to several open source software packages to spell-check the Somali language. The main target of the project is therefore to create an official Somali word list for universal and standard spelling checkers.

As of today, the Spelling Checker's main dictionary contains 13,500 Somali mostly used words, and it is growing up on daily bases, thanks also to the visitors who will use this tools. In fact every new word, not yet listed in the main dictionary of the word list, will be collected from the inserted text, and then notification e-email will be sent to a group of Somali language experts. This group will examine the new words and will decide whether to add these words to the main dictionary or not.

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