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Higgaadda Afsoomaaliga

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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi


A Note of my teachers

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Dhaxalreeb series / Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb I/2015:

1972kii koox xilligaaba hormuud ka ahayd carinta maskaxda dadwaynaha, kuna sugnayd Kulliyaddii Waxbarashada ee Lafoole, ee Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, ayaa curisey riwaayad wax wayn ka beddeshay habkii masrixiyadda loo dhigi jirey. Riwaayaddaasi waxa ay ahayd Aqoon iyo Afgarad, waxana wada allifey Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame “Hadraawi”, Siciid Saalax Axmed iyo, Alle ha u naxariistee, Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac “Gaarriye” iyo Muuse Cabdi Cilmi “Muuse Gadhle”.

We lost a friend, a Hero
Jama Musse Jama

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A tribute to a true patriot
Abdishakur passed away on May 13, 2012 in a car accident at Tulli village, between Dila and Borama in Western Somaliland. Alla how naxariisto. Amina Abdi Jama, his wife, was with him in the car but her injury is not serious. Alla ha u sahlo. Aamiin.

A year ago Abdishakur wrote: “Somalilanders are in a reflective mood as they prepare for the 20th Anniversary of the birth of their nation. These days there is a sense of contemplation, thoughtfulness and revaluation in Somaliland circles.” He could have been describing his own style of mature reflection and incisive analysis of contemporary issues in Somaliland and Somalia. He was a true patriot, a man of great human quality, a statesman and deep connoisseur of his own people, whom he believed in and wanted to contribute to their well-being.


Mohamed Obsiye

This issue contains two articles:

A brief history of the “Somali Union”: what is the way forward
The central concern of this article is that the Union of Somalia was founded on the false dream of Greater-Somalism based on language, race, culture and religion criteria. It argues that the Somali Union simply existed, not because of intrinsic values of its nationhood, but because of its ‘Cold War Client’ status. The article raises serious questions about whether there was a nation-state in Somalia in the first place, and considers how the unswerving search for Greater-Somalism masked Somalia’s vulnerability as a nation-state.

The Changing Political Landscape in the Horn of Africa
It appears that the international community is now beginning to realise, in the best interest of world security, the political developments in the Horn of Africa should be accepted on their merits. That means that if in the past the international community has fallen for the de jure status of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), it is now paying attention to the de facto developments in the region and with restoring Somali unity dream becoming virtually unobtainable, the international community is recognising Somaliland for its achievement in the areas of democracy, peace and stability.

[download this and other issues in PDF from here]

Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb II/2009:

Aqoontii iyo ilbaxnimadii Soomaalida

Cabdiraxmaan Faarax "Barwaaqo" (hal_aqoon@yahoo.com)

Qoraal uu ladhkiisu ahaa ‘Soomaalidii hore iyo aqoonta maadiga ah’, (Posted on Thursday, September 24 @ 03:50:10 CDT by redsea-online.com) oo uu qoray nin la yidhaa Axmed Saleebaan Xirsi baa runtii aad ii soo jiitey. Waxanse dareemay inuu Axmed aqoontii inoo qadhiidhay oo uu faraguudkood wax inoogu dhiibay. Sidaasi awgeed waxan damcay inaan aragtidaa kobciyo oo aan ku badhitaaro ama ku kaalo intan soo socota. Ciddii in kale haysaana ha soo dawiso illayn waa tii hore loo yidhi talo rag waa biiro idaade.

Cabdiraxmaan Faarax 'Barwaaqo'

[halkan ka eeg qoraalkan iyo kuwa kale oo kala dego fayl PDF ah / qiimaha 0.0USD - bilaash]

Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb waa qoraallo aan kalgal sugan lahayn oo sannadkiiba dhowr jeer kasoo baxa degelka redsea-online.com. Waxaa isku dubbarida qoraalladaas Jama Musse Jama, waxaana daabacda shirkadda buugaagta soo saarta ee Ponte Invisibile Ed. ee saldhiggeedu yahay Pisa, Italy.

Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb I/2009:

Iskaddaa sonkorta oo ka gaashaamo cudurka kaadi-macaanka noociisa labaad

Kamaal Cabdillaahi Xuseen (kamalcx@hotmail.com)

Waxa dunida aad ugu soo kordhaya cudurka kaadi macaanka ama macaanka, ama sonkorowga sida dadka qaar u yaqaannaan. Cudurkan oo laba nooc ah waxa loo qaybiyaa nooca koowaad iyo nooca labaad. Dhigaalkani waxa uu ka hadlayaa nooca labaad ee cudurkan oo ah midka dunida ku soo badanaya.

Kamaal Cabdillaahi Xuseen waa Nutriotionist deggan Nashville, USA-

[halkan kala dego fayl PDF ah / qiimaha 0.0USD - bilaash]

Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb waa qoraallo aan kalgal sugan lahayn oo sannadkiiba dhowr jeer kasoo baxa degelka redsea-online.com. Waxaa isku dubbarida qoraalladaas Jama Musse Jama, waxaana daabacda shirkadda buugaagta soo saarta ee Ponte Invisibile Ed. ee saldhiggeedu yahay Pisa, Italy.

A timely production and helpful resource for all those who are following the upcoming elections in Somaliland. Ibrahim Hashi Jama, former Chair of Somaliland Forum's Committee on Constitution, and the Editor of somalilandlaw.com, shares with us a great handbook.

This handbook covers the laws and codes developed from 1993 to 2008 which were necessary for the electoral process. The introductory chapters of the handbook explore the development of all these main legal instruments, including the basic laws (The National Charter of 1992 followed by the Constitution) that set up the governmental structures and the institutions which should be elected.

REDSEA-ONLINE e-books is grateful to the author for his permission to post the book here for its readers.

download it for free

Art and Literature: The Other Weapon for Resistance

Mohamed-Rashiid Sheikh Hassan (rashid108@hotmail.com)

In the earlier years of colonization, African native languages and cultures were seen as inferior and incomprehensible and did not even deserve scientific examinations. Nations themselves were often seen as narrations. The power and the authority to narrate or to block other narratives from emerging were, according to Edward Said, an important aspect of the culture of the imperialism.

African nations and states don’t want to be seen any more as “inventions.” They have already become members of the international community and though as yet not economically prosperous they don’t feel culturally inferior to the older nations. Literature and arts particularly oral literature has played a significant role in the understanding of the state complexity and the political ideas associated with it.

This presentation highlights how literature was utilized for resistance against:
· colonial powers
· Post-colonial state corruptions, manipulations and particularly the oppression of the military regime and its abuse of human rights in the Somali context and how the militry regime used also to discredit the opposition.
· and finally the lamentation of the loss of the state and the restoration of somaliland as a separate state.

[download PDF file / price 0.0USD - free]

Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb comprises a series of publications that appear on redseaonline. com at several, unspecified times during the year. It is edited by Jama Musse Jama and published by Ponte Invisibile Ed. which are based in Pisa, Italy.

Ruwaanda: Xasuuqii boqolka maalmood

Waxa qoray Xasan C Madar (nabaadiino@yahoo.com)

Way sii muuqatay, cid walibana way sii arkaysay in xasuuqani dhacayo, cidse dheg u dhigtay dhawaaqii soo yeedhayey iyo digniintii ma jirin. Waddamadii waaweynaa ee Maraykan, Faransiis iyo Ingiriis ugu horreeyeen iyo Qarammadii Midoobay way ka dhego adaygeen wax ka qabashada masiibadan. Kaaga daranta markii xasuuqu bilaabmayna golihii ammaanku wuxu amar ku bixiyey in laga soo saaro ciidammadii tirada iyo tabartaba yaraa ee halkaas ka joogay, halkii ay ahayd in loo diro ciidammo xoojiya si xasuuqa loo baajiyo. Weydiimo badan oo halkaa ka dhashay, ujeeddooyin siyaasadeed oon jirin baa hadheeyey. Jawaabta meesha ku qarsoonayd waxay ahayd in shacbiga Ruwaanda aanay u qalmin in la badbaadiyo.

[halkan kala dego fayl PDF ah / qiimaha 0.0USD - bilaash]

Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb waa qoraallo aan kalgal sugan lahayn oo sannadkiiba dhowr jeer kasoo baxa degelka redsea-online.com. Waxaa isku dubbarida qoraalladaas Jama Musse Jama, waxaana daabacda shirkadda buugaagta soo saarta ee Ponte Invisibile Ed. ee saldhiggeedu yahay Pisa, Italy.

Toddobaadka Fanka iyo Suugaanta Soomaalida ee Landhan

Waxa qortey Ayaan Maxamuud Cashuur (ayan.mahamoud@oxfordhouse.org.uk)

S: Sannadkani muxuu sannadadii hore kaga duwanaa?

J: Sannadkan waxaa hal-abuurka iyo indheergaradka ka soo qayb galay bandhiggan ay ku ballansanaayeen inay ka faalloodaan, ka doodaan, qeexaan macnaha “Gobannimo” iyo waxay goyso; heerarkeeda kala duwan sida ta qofka ama bulshada.

[halkan kala dego fayl PDF ah / qiimaha 0.0USD - bilaash]

Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb waa qoraallo aan kalgal sugan lahayn oo sannadkiiba dhowr jeer kasoo baxa degelka redsea-online.com. Waxaa isku dubbarida qoraalladaas Jama Musse Jama, waxaana daabacda shirkadda buugaagta soo saarta ee Ponte Invisibile Ed. ee saldhiggeedu yahay Pisa, Italy.

Bandhig-buugeedka Caalamiga ah ee Hargeysa

Waxa qorey Aadam Xaaji Cali Axmed (aadamhaji@yahoo.com)

Waxay dadkii markii danbe lahaayeen:

“Waligay maan arag bandhiggaas mid la mid ah.”

“Faa’idadii aan ka helay bandhigga labadaas cisho waligay ma aan faa’iidin.”

“Bandhiggaas waxa loo soo agaasimay si cajiib ah oo daacadnimo leh.”

“Bandhiggaasi damiirka dadka ayuu dib u soo nooleeyay.”

[halkan kala dego fayl PDF ah / qiimaha 0.0USD - bilaash]

Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb waa qoraallo aan kalgal sugan lahayn oo sannadkiiba dhowr jeer kasoo baxa degelka redsea-online.com. Waxaa isku dubbarida qoraalladaas Jama Musse Jama, waxaana daabacda shirkadda buugaagta soo saarta ee Ponte Invisibile Ed. ee saldhiggeedu yahay Pisa, Italy.

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