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Higgaadda Afsoomaaliga

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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi


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The late Ahmed Shiekh Jama, best known as a poet and public intellectual, was regular contributor to HIBF and a special friend of our team. Just two years ago we published his first book as part of our Curisyo (Essays) series. “Cadli doonaha daal Allaa baday”, a novel inspired by works of George Orwell, which is an allegorical reflection and commentary on contemporary Somali political affairs.

His original allegorical Orwellian narration, on which his book is based, is titled as “Shirwaynahii Xayaanka Soomaaliyeed, 1988” (The Great Assembly of Somali Animals, 1988), and is Orwellian like story where Somali nature of politics is narrated through animals.

Ahmed was expected to take the platform of this year’s HIBF, to read selections from his poetry collection and share with festival participants his thoughts and concerns. We all of us miss him very much, may Allah rest his soul in peace.

Ilaahay ha u naxariisto Axmed Saakin Faarax.

Axmed Saakin Faarax Ilyas waxa uu ahaa weriye ka hawlgala Laascaanood. Waxa uu ku geeriyooday Laascaanood isaga oo aan wali toddoba iyo labaatan jirsan, ka dib markii toogasho lagu diley ee laba xabbadood lagu qoboojiyey jidhkiisa.

Waxa falkaas lagu aammusiiyey cod weriye.

Innaa lillaahi wa innaa Ilayhu raajicuun.

Waxa qortey Xamda Maxamed Xuseen Cigaal | fiyoore22@gmail.com

Gabayahow habeenbaa u dumay hanadadaadiiye
Gabayahaw hormoodbaa ka baxay hurintii maansooley
Gabayahow halyaybaa god galay lama hawaystaane
Gabayahaw horseedkii dantaa helay wedkiisiiye
Gabayahaw ninkii hiilin jiray lagu hagoog ciide
Gabayahaw hiddaha ooyayaa tebay halkiisii

Abwaan Xasan Daahir Ismaaciil “Weedhsame”

Waa maalin isniineed, bariido dabadeed wuxuunbuu i yidhi Gaarriye waa la keenayaa, burkaba ballaayo kama filane, waxaan weydiin ugu ceshay miyuu kasoo rayn waayay oo waa la iska soo celinayaa, kuye ma kaa dhabbaa oo ma ogid inuu geeriyooday. Naxdin iyo xannuun weynaa maqalka weedhahaasi, muddo ayaabay igu qaadatay inaan si dhaba u fahmo in Gaarriye geeriyooday.

Waxa qorey Ibraahin Yuusuf Axmed ”Hawd”

Waa dabeecadda dadka qofku inta uu nool yahay in aan dhab loogu baraarugin wanaaggiisa iyo waxtarkiisa, se marka uu dhinto la xusuusto. Sababtu waa nacaybka dhimashada loo qabo iyo maskaxda oo aan qorshaha ku darsan karin qofkaasi in uu mar uun tegeyo oo aan dib loo arkayn. Qofka la jecel yahay iyo wanaag walba oo kale marka la haysto si abadi ah ayaa la isu siiyaa oo maskaxda ayaan aqbali karayn in la waayi doono. Waa halka ay maahmaah carbeed ka tidhaahdo ”barwaaqada la haysto la ma ogaado jeer la waayo”. Dabeecaddaa nafsiga ah ayaa keenta dadka qiimiga lihi inta ay nool yihiin badanaa in aan la waynayn, marka ay dhintaan se taallooyin loo dhiso oo xabaashooda ubax la saarsaaro.

by Bashir Goth

With the death of Mohammed Hashi Dhamac (Gaarriye), the Somali people have lost a great poet and a literary custodian. Apart from the many masterpieces and deeply intellectual poetry that he left behind, Gaarriye will be remembered in particular by his monumental efforts in founding and teaching the metrical structure of Somali poetry. He is to the Somali poetry as what Al Khalil ibn Ahmed Al Farahidi is to Arabic poetry. I was honored to have met Gaarriye in 1997 when we both participated in a poetry evening at a fund-raising event for Amoud University in Abu Dhabi. One cannot find words to mourn the loss of such a literary giant, but silence at such a great calamity is not an option from a fellow poet. Therefore, I wrote the following elegy to capture at least some glimpses of his memory as a poet.

Abiidaba nin loo go’o
Oo lagu galaashiyo
Geesigu ma waaree

By Poetry Translation Center

Everyone at the PTC is devastated by the tragic news that Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac 'Gaarriye' has died after a long and painful illness. Not only have we lost a much loved friend, but the world has lost one of its greatest poets.

Gaarriye contribution to the success of the PTC is simply incalculable. His magnificent poetry, read with his amazing energy and force, astonished English-speaking audiences who had never before encountered a poet like him. Through his powerful performances, many people in the UK were introduced to one of the greatest of all world poetries, that in the Somali language. We are enormously grateful to Martin Orwin, who first introduced us to Gaarriye's poetry in 2004, and to his translators - Martin himself, Maxamed Xasan 'Alto', David Harsent (who translated Gaarriye in 2005 for our World Poets' Tour) and Bill Herbert (who worked closely with Martin and Gaarriye himself during our second World Poets' Tour in 2008).

By Rhoda A Rageh

Death is part of life and everyone will go one day sooner or later. May Allah SWT give him His Mercy and lead him to Jannah. May all that he has taught others through his poetry and rhetoric become good deeds for him in the Day of Judgment. Raising awareness is guiding others to knowledge which is a fine deed. He has given his poetry generously. He has awakened minds to knowledge. He has inspired others. He has addressed friends and foe with fine humour.

Gaariye’s death is not only about him, he took with him an encyclopedic knowledge, positive energy constant inspiration and thought provoking poetry for a society that needed wisdom most. This makes his death more biting. May Allah SWT make it bearable for his immediate family and for people of Somaliland.

Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac "Gaarriye" (1951-2012)

Organizers of Somali Week Festival and their partners mourn the death of Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac “Gaarriye”, one of the most famous living Somali speaking poets. Gaarriye's last night premature death reaches us few days after the death of Faisal Omer Mushteeg, an other prominent artist. The organizers of the festival, their partners and the visiting artists share the loss of Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac “Gaarriye” with his family and friends.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends and colleagues.

Ilaahay ha u naxariisto. Aammiin.

Diiwaanka Maansada...
Edited by Maxamed Xasan,
Martin Orwin, Yaasiin J. Nuux
Mahadhada iyo Waxqabadka ..
By Cabdiraxmaan C. Faarax
Biography and Poems..
Edited by Jama Musse Jama

May his soul rest in peace. Ilaahey ha u naxariisto.

It is with great sorrow that we announce the death of one of our key guest artists, Faysal Omer Mushteeg passed away last night, September 20, 2012, in Dacarburuq. He was on his way to Addis Ababa to apply for the UK visa to attend Somali Week Festival 2012 in London, where he was eagerly expected. Unfortunately, he became very unwell and he had to be taken back to Hargeysa. Sadly he died on the way in the village of Dacarburuq.

We, as organizers and other visiting artist who were travelling with Late Faysal Omer Musteeq, Basbaas, Ali Banfaz, Musse Ali Faruur, and Hasan Qawdhan, are all deeply touched by the loss of this great artist.

The artist
Faisal was born in 1945 in Hargeysa. He studied in Hargeysa and Borame in his early schooling before he moved to Mogadishu for a teacher training course and finally became non only a well respected teacher but also an exceptional musician, vocalist and composer.

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