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Higgaadda Afsoomaaliga

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Somaliland - I too love you!

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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi


A Note of my teachers

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Redsea Cultural Foundation is recruiting motivated and talented candidate, and hereby announcing a new position for Art Administration and Finance Management. Application details.

Deadline for application 12.00PM Saturday 21 March 2015

Seeska Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka ee "Redsea" waxa ka bannaan jago loo doonayo qof dadaal badan, karti shaqo leh, aqoon u leh oo jecel dhaqanka iyo fanka, waxana halkan lagu baafinayaa jago madaxa Maamulka, Maaraynta iyo Xisaabaadka. Warbixin dheeraad ah.

Is diiwaangelintu waxa ay dhacaysaa 12.00 duhurnimo Sabtida 21ka Maarj, 2015

[English | Somali]

RSOL - 7.9.2012. Warsaxaafadeed

Kow iyo toban isugu jira maskax-maallo, abwaanno, filim-sameeyeyaal iyo ururro ka socda dalal kala duwan, ayaa ku guulaystay aqoonsi caalami ah oo sannadkiiba mar lagu sharfo dadka wax qiime leh kusoo kordhiya dhaqanka iyo horumarka bini-aadamka. Aqoonsigaas oo ay bixiyaan Prince Claus Fund, oo ah sanduuq-faneed ku xidhan Aqalka Boqortooyada ee waddanka Holland, waxa la siiyaa dadka wax soo saarkooda maskaxeed qiime aad u sarreeya leeyahay, islamarkaana uu saamayn wayn ku yeesho bulshada uu qofkaasi la noolyahay.

Waxa sannadkan ka mid noqdey guuleysteyaasha Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame “Hadraawi”.

PRESS RELEASE: Immediate release
29 September 2011

‘Mahdi’- the first Somali audio Book

Redsea-online cultural foundation is delighted to present you the first Somali audio book, Mahdi. the publication of ‘Mahdi’ in audio book form marks an important transformation in the distribution and reception of Somali Literature. Committed to raising awareness and expanding the availability of literary works to wider audiences, the Publishers have responded to the demand for books in audio format. This venture is part of a commitment to increase the impact and scope of Somali literature; the publishers in partnership with other organisations have also worked on translating Somali novels into other languages, and encouraging youngsters to read, write and present their work through the organisation of literary events and festivals.

'Mahdi' is written by Jama Musse Jama, an ethno-mathematician and founder of the Hargeysa International Book Fair (HIBF) and of Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online.com) publishing company. A historical fiction set in the 1980s when Jama was a student in Hargeysa, the novel is written in the first person, and traces the collective memory of a generation of young students who, for the first time, stood up against the military regime of the Somali Republic. This theme runs throughout the narration of the main character’s adventures and difficulties as a street-child and his experiences of family life and custom.

Kayd Somali Arts and Culture, in collaboration with Redsea-online Cultural Foundation and other partners, are proud to present the annual Somali Week Festival. The festival, an integral part of the Black History Month celebrations, will run from Saturday 22nd to Sunday 30th October 2011 in London. The festival offers the best of Somali arts and culture, both old and new, presenting a mix of events including poetry, literature, music and panel discussions.

Through different artistic expressions, Somali Week Festival has explored a variety of themes over the last few years and has become a widely recognized and anticipated annual event in the UK, particularly among the local Somali community.

Theme of the Year: Translation
This year, Somali Week Festival 2011 will introduce the topic of ‘Translation’. Translated works enable individuals to learn about a particular culture and its people. There is currently a severe shortage of Somali work translated into foreign languages and even fewer examples of world literature translated into Somali. It is this lack of cultural exchange that we wish to address by choosing translation as the theme of the year.

Press release
May 3rd, 2011

Somaliland: the way forward - Achieving its Rightful International Status, volume one.
2011, edited by Jama Musse Jama, Pisa: Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online.com)
ISBN. 88-88934-18-9 EAN 9788888934181. Pages 150, 20.00 Euro.

Somaliland – the way forward is a set of two-volume books which are the result of a collaborative effort of various observers to document the recent advances in Somaliland in terms of culture, and the inter-related web of peace, development, good governance and economic revival. The books have the ambitious goal of exploring a number of cross-cutting issues, including the state of law and order, justice and rights; national planning; democracy and political maturity, built on centuries old traditions of nomadic Moslem society.

This book wants to draw lessons from the recent past of Somaliland, and intends to contribute to the current debate within the regional and international community about the necessary political commitment to support the recognition of Somaliland; to support its people in realising their aspirations of achieving democracy and building an economic viable state, fully capable of gaining its rightful place in the international arena.

The international community and International NGOs should change their assistance to Somaliland from the provision of humanitarian relief to real development. Invitation to a thought provoking discussion on Somaliland.

Ilays, Nomad, Somaliland Societies Europe, Redsea-online.com, Kayd and other Somaliland organisation are calling on the international community including Dutch NGOs to recognise and build on the ongoing positive developments in Somaliland by changing their assistance to Somaliland from humanitarian relieve to long-term developmental support.

We, the above mentioned organisations, believe that the conditions on the ground in Somaliland are not adequately reflected in the package of assistance extended to Somaliland and are organising one-day event to highlight the inspirational achievements of Somaliland to demonstrate the varying areas which need increased and sustained support.

Kayd Somali Arts and Culture, in collaboration with Redsea-online and Somali and Somaliland Communities, is proud to present the annual Somali Week Festival at Oxford House, Bethnal Green, East London. The festival is part of Black History Month and will run from Saturday 23rd to Sunday 31st of October. The festival offers the best of Somali arts and culture, both old and new, presenting a mix of events including poetry, literature, drama and panel discussions.

We are delighted that this year’s festival will be opened by the the Deputy Mayor of London Richard Barnes. We will present a number of highly esteemed international guests including, poets, playwright and authors to celebrate yet another year of Somali art achievements. Mahamed Ibrahim Warsame ‘Hadraawi’, one of the greatest and most respected Somali poets (known as the Somali Shakespeare) will be leading the way followed by first time attendees, such as, the talented Somali singer and actress Amina Abdilahi, the extremely influential playwright and poet Ahmed Saleebaan Bidde, and the renowned comedian and actor Boon Hirsi, who, despite his recent loss of vision, is still able to perform and make his crowds cheer with joy.

[UQS] - Warsaxaafadeed

Ururka Qoraaga Somaliland wuxu sannad walba qiimayn ku sameeyaa buugaagtii af Soomaaliga ku soo baxday sannadkii la soo dhaafay. Haddaba 10 okt 2010 waxa markii afraad lagu dhawaaqay abaalmarinta buuggii loo aqoonsaday in uu ugu filroonaa buugaagtii sannadka 2009 ku soo baxday afka Soomaaliga. Shir ballaadhan oo uu soo qaban qaabiyey ururka Qoraaga Somaliland (SWA) kana dhacay caasimadda dalka Sweden ayaa lagu shaaciyey in uu tartankii buugaagta ku guulaystay buug uu qoray barofasoor Cabdalla Cumar Mansuur oo la magac baxay ”Taariikhda iyo luqadda bulshada Soomaaliyeed”.

Buuggaas oo soo baxay sanadkii 2009 wuxu hab cilmiyeysan u soo bandhigayaa taariikhda afka iyo dhaqanka ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Buugaag door ah oo la is barbardhigay ayuu buugga Cabdalla Cumar Mansuur ugu dhibco batay xaggii qiimaynta tayada. Guddiga qiimaynta iyo abaalmarintu waxay ku sababeeyeen guushii buuggan, tilmaamahan soo socda.

Ka akhri halkan qoraalka oo dhammaystiran

Carwada Caalamiga ah ee Buugaagta Hargeysa
Hargeysa International Book Fair

War saxaafadeed – ku dhawaaqista sheekooyinka guulaystay sannadka 2010

Guddiga Qiimeynta Sheeko iyo Shaahid waxa ay maanlintii 26ka Julaay 2010 ku dhawaaqeeen sheekooyinka ku guulaystay kaalmaha Kow, Laba iyo Saddex ee sannadkan. Waxana Carwada Caalamiga ah ee Buugaagta Hargeysa iyo Bandhigga Mooge lagu guddoonsiiyey shahaadooyinkii guusha, qorayaashii sheekooyinkaas qorey oo dhammaantood goobjoog ahaa. Waxa sannadkan ka soo qayb galay 23 sheeko; da’da qoraayada kasoo qaybgalay celcelis ahaan waxay tahay 20jir iyadoo tirada hablaha kasoo qaybgalay ay ahayd 44% (10 hablood ayaa kasoo qayb galay).

Guddiga qiimayntu sannadkan waxay usoo saartay kaalinta kama danbaysta ah toddoba sheeko, oo markii danbe ay kasoo baxeen kuwii kaalmaha sare ku guulaystay. Waxa halkan lagusoo dhejiyey sababta ay ku guulaysteen sheekooyinkaasi.

War saxaafadeed, RSOL FR17-III-10/Som, 15/07/2010
Buug cusub “Sheeko iyo Shaahid – Labaad: Ninkeed bila”

Ninkeed bila
Jaamac Muuse Jaamac (Isku dubbaridey)
Ponte Invisibile, Pisa, 2010
134 Bog; ISBN 88-88934-11-1

Markii labaad ayaa 22kii ilaa 27kii Julaay 2009 lagu qabtay magaalada Hargeysa “Carwadii Caalamiga ahayd ee Buugaagta Hargeysa” oo sannadkaa 2009 ku lammaanayd bandhig dhaqameed loogu magac daray Mooge (Maxamed Mooge Liibaan) oo noqdey wax aan hore looga qaban waddanka. Bandhig dhaqameedka Mooge waxa uu noqdey dhacdo xiise leh oo kulmisey in kabadan 7 kun oo qof muddadii uu socdey, oo inta badani ay ahayd dhallinyaro. Imminka oo dhawaan mar kale la isu diyaarinayo Carwada Caalamiga ah ee Buugaagta Hargeysa iyo Bandhigga Mooge ee sannadkan, ayaa waxa sharaf noo ah inaanu idinla socodsiino soo saarista buuggan cusub.

Baratan qarameedka Sheeko iyo Shaahid, sidii sannadkii ka horreeyey oo kaleba, waxa uu ka ahaa qayb laxaad leh dhacdadaas. Buuggan Sheeko iyo Shaahid – Labaad waa ururin sheekooyin gaagaaban oo uu isku dubbaridey Jaamac Muuse Jaamac, sheekooyinkaas oo ay sal u yihiin kuwii ku guulaystay baratankii sannadkan 2009.

Waxa kaalinta kowaad ku guulaystay sheekada “Mahadho” ee uu qorey Maxamed Ismaaciil Jaamac, halka ay kaalinta labaad heshay sheekada “Maaggane rag iyo muuqdheer haween” oo ay qortey Hoodo-Ayaan Suldaan Aadan; kaalinta saddexaadna waxa si barbar dhac ah u wada helay sheekooyinka “Mahadhadii Miiggane” iyo “Filanwaa” oo ay kala qoreen Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Muuse iyo Khaalid Jaamac Qodax sida ay u kala horreeyaan. Sidii sannadkii hore kale, waxa wax lagu farxo ah in qoraayadan mustaqbalka ee soo baxay ay dhammaantood u tahay markii kowaad ee ay qoraal ay qoreen kusoo baxo buug ahaan.

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