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Weligaa ha sii deynin.
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redsea-online.com: On Somaliland

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Hargeysa, Somaliland, March 27, 2010 (SL Times) –
This week marks the inauguration of Somaliland Studies, or to be more accurate, the resurrection of Somaliland Studies as a discipline. The word resurrection is a more accurate description because Somaliland used to exist as an autonomous and full-fledged field of study but once the country lost its independence as a result of the union, Somaliland studies was appropriated by Somalia studies.

However, with Somaliland’s reclamation of its independence, it is only logical that Somaliland Studies should be re-established as an independent discipline of inquiry. The good news is that Somaliland Studies has been re-established, and as a first step, it now publishes the Journal of Somaliland Studies (it is relevant to mention here that a publication called The Somaliland Journal used to be published in the fifties which featured the works of such luminaries as Andrzjewski).

For more information go to http://www.somalilandstudies.com

by Mohamed Obsiye

On 29/10 a deplorable act of inhumane atrocity was committed against the peace loving nation of Somaliland. It has been the first time in the history of the country such unprecedented suicide bombers struck in the country’s soil. The attack was not merely a symbolic act on randomly selected places. It was meant to inflict maximum damage to innocent civilians. Twenty two people were killed and over thirty others injured when three coordinated suicide bombers hit three symbolic sites, the Presidential Palace, Ethiopian Embassy and the UNDP headquarters. As the debris flew in every direction in the aftermath of the powerful and horrific explosions, so now do speculations and explanations of the possible motives of the perpetrators fly around. Many see the bombings as a grim reminder of the common threat Somalilanders face. Some even went further to suggest that suicide bombers visited the city as if the aerial bombings and indiscriminate shelling we witnessed in the late eighties by the then military regime of Siad Barre was not enough. Surely it has come at a time when voter registration and identification was in full swing.

The Somaliland Organizations in the Diaspora are in shock and deeply hurt that 25 people were killed and over 60 people are in the Hospital due to the terrorist attack, Monday, 28 October 2008 in the capital city of Somaliland, We are appealing to all Somalilanders and friends to join us with this appeal to help the victims of terror and aggression who are currently in the Hospital of Hargeisa.

It is not the first time that Somaliland has been attacked by aggressors and it breaks our hearts to see Hargaisa under fire again for no reason. Regardless of the pain and the difficult time that we are in, Somaliland is the land of HOPE, progression, democratic values and most of all PEACE. Through hard work, dedication and faith in the future, the people of Somaliland will manage like we always do!

Ma maanta ayaa Soomaali Maxamed garnayl inta ay dhexda ku xidhatay, dad shicib ah oo meel saf kaga jira ama danahooda u jarmaadsan isku maqiiqday oo janno, abaalmarin, ciqaab, halaag, il, cawri, farxad, naxdin iyo wax si isugu dheggan oo aan la garanayn ka dhex baadhatay.

Muddo imika ku siman laba sannadood iyo dheeraad waxa sidii Fadhanfadhka dhulka hoose ee isku xidha Faransiiska iyo Iswisirlaan rafanayay oo hoosta ka xordayay saynisyahanno iyo farsamayaqaanno reer Bini-Aadan ah. Lacag lix bilyan oo doollar ku dhow ayaa shaqadaasi ku kacday. Ujeeddada ugu weyn ee laga leeyahay waa in laba atam oo naqan oo mid ba gees laga soo kaynaaniyay la iska hor keeno oo madaxa la isugu dhufto, meeshaas qaraxa ka dhaca dabadeed la derso. Halkaasna sidii dunidu ku bilaabantay cilmigeeda laga baadho.

W/Q Cabdillaahi Cawed Cige

Maxaad ku falaysaa hurdada, sow xafladdii berri u ambabiximaysid? Ayay naftaydu igula shawrtay habeenkii Sabtida. Nacasnimada jooji, haddii aad si fiican u gami’weydo naf yahay sidaad wacdaraha dumar iyo rag ka dhigi doonaan madasha loo ballansan yahay u liqi doontaa; ayaan naftaydii kula taliyay. Hurdadii kama dhergin, naftii se wixii ay goobtaas kala kulantay xusuus dheer iga dheh.

Maalintii Sabtida ee bisha Mey 10ka ahayd, waxa madal caan ah oo York Hall loo yaqaan, kuna taal xaafadda Bethnal Green ee Bariga Landhan ka dhacday xaflad ayay qabanqaabadeeda ka soo shaqaysay Ayaan M Cashuur. Xafladdaasi waxa ay hordhac u ahayd dabbaaldegga 17 guurada ka soo wareegtay soo noqoshadii Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, waxa loo qorsheeyay in taageero dhaqaale loogu ururiyo Jaamacadda Burco, gaar ahaan qaybta Afka Soomaaliga iyo Dhaqanka. Martiqaadka xafladdu wuxuu dhababaco noogu yimi magaalada Liverpool. Waxa aannu madashii xafladda isu daruurrinnay afartii galabnimo.

Inkasta oo aannu, sida wakhtiyaynta barnaamijka ku caddayd, soddon miridh habsan ahayn, haddana sidii, dhaqan ahaan, caadada inoo ahayd waxa aannu gaadhnay madashii oo dadku qalamaanyo ku yahay.

W/Q Hamse Riraash

Ku dadaala hormarinta waddankiina
cidhibtirana tahriibka

Ummad kastaaba waxa ay horseed ay u tahay horumarka waddankooda maanta caalamkan aad arkaysaanba amaba lugu leeyahay hurumar buu gaadhay runtii waxa gaadhsiiyay waa dadkooda waxana sharaftaa u soo jiidayna waa dadkooda.

Bal haynu yar eegno dalkeenan Somaliland marka aad u fiirsatid amaba aad waraysatid dadka reer Somaliland waxa aad ka ogaanaysaa inayna diyaar u ahayn inay waddankooda hormarin gaadhsiiyaan waayo qofkii waxa uu ku odhanayaa waar tan Somaliland waan iskaga tahriibaynaa!!! runtii fikraddaa waxa aan u arka fikrad aad u qaldan amaba aan fiicnayn bal aynu yar eegno dalka Hindiya sida aad lawada socotaanba dalka Hindiya waxa uu ahaan jiray waddan aad u sabool ah dadka hindida ahna waxa ay ku noolaan jireen nolol aad u adag oo ka daran ta aad hada aad ka cararaysid lakiinse maanta waxa aad ogtahay inay Hindiya ay tahay wadan dhaqaaleehuda aad u sarreeyo shakina kuma jiro cida horumarkaasi gaadhsiisay inay yihiin dadka hindiyanka ah ama dadkooda.

EDITORIAL: 07/01/2008 - www.somalilandlaw.com

The Somaliland Government has recently sent to the House of Representatives a new Bill on press and publications. The provisions of this bill (based almost entirely on the Yemen Law No: 25 of 1990 on the Press & Publications) run contrary to international norms relating to freedom of expression and the independence of the press and are not in line with the Somaliland constitution.

The considerable powers given to the Minister of Information (and other ministers) include even deciding on appeals from anyone whose writings have been turned down for publication by a newspaper’s editor (Article 46). These ministerial powers over the press and publishers/printers/distributers etc, the compulsory registration of all press and publication activities, including the practice of the profession of journalism, and the extensive criminal sanctions which add to the existing array of criminal offences in the 1962 Somali Penal Code contrast sharply with the current Somaliland Press Law (2004), which contains no criminal sanctions and is based on codes of conduct. Unfortunately the Somaliland Government has repeatedly made clear its dissatisfaction with the current press Law and has used the Penal Code and extra-judicial powers to detain and imprison journalists. It is no surprise, therefore, that the Somaliland Government is not putting forward amendments of the current Press Law, but is now proposing its wholesale replacement by this new Bill which introduces considerable criminal sanctions, such as fines and imprisonment (Article 99) for the infringement of its numerous provisions, as well as prohibition of continued practice of journalism or publication or even circulation of printed materials; confiscation of property, including printing presses (Article 101) and seizure of printed materials (Article 102).

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