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Somaliland - I too love you!

Somaliland - I too love you!

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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi


A Note of my teachers

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The New York Times Magazine

Edna Adan built her own maternity hospital in Somaliland.
Photo by Katy Grannan for The New York Times

".... Find a cause that resonates with you, learn more about it and adopt it. For example, we send checks to support an extraordinary Somali woman, Edna Adan (see above), who has invested her savings and her soul in her own maternity hospital in Somaliland (ednahospital.org)."

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Khalid Jama Qodax

Waxa aan maalin dhawayd booqday meherad uu wiil aanu saaxiibo nahay oo la yidhaahdo Cali C/laahi Shaqalle. leeyahay oo ku taal, badhtamaha magalada Hargaysa, waxa uu ii keenay wiilkii aanu saaxiibka ahayn, koob shaaha. Koobkii markii aan cabay ee sheekadu meel fiican noo maryso ayaa ishaydu ku dhacday nuqul ka mid ah wargayska Jamhuuriya ee maalin-laha ah ee ka soo baxa Hargaysa. Waan soo qaaday, waxa aan eegay wakhtiga uu soo baxay in uu yahay maanta, iyo shalay, labada midna maah’ee waxa uu ahaa mid bishii hore soo baxa., Inta aan ku qoslay ayaan ku idhi “waa maxay kana aad haysataa waa bishii hore’e”, waxa uu igu yidh” Waxa aaan xataa hayaa wakhtigii ay Jamhuuriya soo baxday ee la Aas-aasay kuwii ay soo saari jirtay”. “Keen ayaan ku idhi”. Waxa uu ii soo saaray nuqulo badan oo ka mid ah kuwii soo bixi jiray sanadahii 1996/1997/1998 intii u dhaxaysay.

Hadaba waxa aan aad u baadhay nuqulladii uu ii soo saaray oo dhan, waxaanan aad ula dhacay nuqullo badan oo ka waramaayey halgankii dheeraa ee dib u xorreynta dalka ee SNM hoggaaminaysay, waxaanan aad u xiiseeyay maqaalakan tirsigiisu yahay “Volume 7. Cadadkiisii 630 aad oo soo baxay Maalin Axad ah oo bishu tahay May 31.1998”.

Bahda RSOL waxay hambalyo u dirayaan shacbi waynaha Somaliland meel kasta oo ay joogaan, iyagoo ugu hambalyaynaya sannad guurada 16aad ee kasoo wareegtay dib-u-dhalashadii Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.

The RSOL Group members wish to congratulate with the people of Somaliland for the 16th anniversary of the re-birth of the Republic of Somaliland

I membri del gruppo RSOL desiderano di congratularsi con il popolo del Somaliland per il 16mo anniversario della re-nascita della Repubblica del Somaliland

Hambalyo - Congratulations - Congratulazioni

Somaliland: The Republic of Understanding / Jamhuuriyadda Isafgarad.


I have often mentioned the mantra of shared goals, dialogue, discussion and consensus, when I write about Somaliland, on this occasion I would like throw another phrase into the mix, Is afgarad, or understanding.

The people of Somaliland have undoubtedly taking major strides in the last 16 years of sovereignty. There have been peaceful elections, peaceful transitions of power, development on unprecedented level, a peaceful and stable environment which is the envy of most nations in Africa, but the most important achievement in those 16 years has been mutual understanding between the peoples.

RSOL - Pretoria

10 students from the University of Pretoria's programme on the Master of Laws (LLM) in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa, visited Somaliland to learn via primary experience about peace and nation-building.

The students were accompanied by a visiting US professor to the Centre for Human Rights, Dr David Padilla; South African Advocate Fritz Gaerdes and Advocate Jacob van Garderen (Lawyers for Human Rights), Susan Precious (Programme manager) and Martin Nsibirwa (LLM Programme Manager). The visit to Somaliland was from 24 March - 6 April 2007.

Conference Announcement

Oslo, Norwey
Somaliland Week in Europe 24th – 30th June 2006

PRESS RELEASE – 29TH March 2006

We would like to announce that Somaliland Societies in Europe and Somali Community in Norway (Somali Welfare Organisation) are organising Somaliland Week in Europe between 24th to 30th June 2006. The activities of the week as stated below will take place in Oslo, Norway. The Somaliland Community in Norway is hosting the activities for the week.

Somaliland National Anthem / Heesta Calanka Somaliland

Samo ku waar, samo ku waar, saamo ku waar
Sarreeye calanka sudhan bilay dhulkiisaa,
Samo ku waariyoo iyo bogaadin sugan
Hanbalyo suuban kugu salaannee saamo ku waar
Geesiyaashii naftooda u sadqeeyay qarannimada Somaliland
Xuskooda dhowrsan kugu salaannee samo ku waar
Guulside xanbaarsan soo noqoshadiisa
kalsooniduu mutaystayee dastuurka ku salaannee
Midnimo walaalnimo goobanimo islaanimo kugu salaanee samow samidiyo
samo ku waar samo ku waar saamo ku waar

Somaliland FLAG Somaliland Emblem
Somaliland Flag Somaliland Emblem

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