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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi


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redsea-online.com: On Somaliland Elections

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W/Q Maxamed Baashe X Xasan

Dheri karkaraya ayaynu wada saarannahay (Somaliland). Saddexdiisa dhardhaar waxa ay u muuqdaan dhoobo aan ka soo jeedin asal ahaan cammuud tayo leh ama samayskooda ayaan u abyanayn sidii loo baahnaa marka la eego daldalladooda iyo sida aanu isugu cufnayn dhardhaar kastaaba ahaanshihiisa gaar ahaaneed ama sida aanay saddexdoodu u hannaan abuurahayn wadajir ahaan hagoogtii guud iyo isu dheellitirkii lagama maarmaanka ahaa, si looga fogaado, loogana feejignaado dheelli-ciir dheriga ku yimaadda oo ciideeya cadka la wada hunguraynayo ee cambarka ka qaalisan ee aanay cid kastaaba cuniddiisa geyin!

Dadka ayaan ka mid ahay walaacu kaga oogan yahay doorashooyinka kaabiga inagu soo haya ee la filayo in ay dhowaan ka dhici doonaan Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Wax badan ayaa laga naawilayaa doorashooyinkaas, waxaana la tilmaamaa in ay yihiin imtixaankii ugu adkaa iyo xujadii ugu weynayd ee hor timaadda jamhuuriyaddaas aan beesha caalamka aqoonsiga ka haysan ee Somaliland oo ka go’day Soomaaliya 1991. Somaliland waxa ay si muuqata ugu badbaaddey madax iyo minjo la’aanta gaammurtey ee ka hanaqaadday Soomaaliya iyo rajo la’aanta ku sii baahaysa dadka dhulkaas ku dhaqan. Bidhaanta Somaliland ka ifaysaa waa nabad gelyo salka ku haysa maamul leh kala dambayn habacsanaani u baadi-sooc tahay.

Parliamentary elections In Somaliland
On Sept. 29th , 2005

Domestic Election Observers’ Report
NAGAAD and COSONGO on behalf of local CSOs

The brief report contained in the following pages is a combination of two reports earlier compiled separately by Nagaad and COSONGO to whom the task of domestic observers of the parliamentary elections was entrusted by the National Electoral Commission (NEC). The two organizations represented the civil society organizations in the country. Each was charged with the domestic observation task of 300 polling stations out of a total of 985 countrywide or nearly 60% of the total.

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The chairman of the Electoral Commission of Somaliland [ECS] said yesterday that the EU has officially expressed its support for the democratic manner in which the third Somaliland [parliamentary] elections were being conducted.

The chairman made the remarks yesterday morning while addressing some local journalists who were attending a seminar at Radio Hargeysa station.

Press release: 6 Sep 2005

A team of experts from four continents is preparing to visit the internationally unrecognised country of Somaliland to ensure that its forthcoming parliamentary elections are free and fair.

The group of 20 international election observers was chosen by international development agency the Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR) and includes writers and academics renowned for their work on this fledgling nation in northern Somalia, east Africa.

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